Thursday, February 5, 2015

Relationships.....just my thoughts

Just my thoughts................

When you are in a relationship, you want the relationship to be "the one"............

Love them unconditionally.
Like them.
Trust them.
Be honest with them.
Forget their past.
Forgive them.
Be proud of them.
Have their back.
Hug them.
Don't try to change them.
Laugh with them.
Kiss them.
Cry with them.
Share with them.
Listen to them.
Make them smile.
Take care of them.
Let them know they are important.
Fight for them.

Tell them what they mean to you...

When two people are in a relationships, both are responsible for maintaining the relationship. There is a reason you are in the relationship.  There is a reason that you love that person.  You just have to remember and look at them again, through the eyes you first saw them with.  The feeling you had when you began the relationship with them.   It's  still there, just buried in "junk."

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship...

 Maintaining a relationship is not easy, it takes work.  So many people give up and throw away something that could have been wonderful.  They quit, thinking "it is too difficult, there will be a better relationship in their future".  How can there be if with that mind set??

If it is worth it to you, if they are worth it, isn't it worth being the kind of person that you would like to be in a relationship with....a until one of us leaves the earth relationship?

I am not saying to be a "door mat".  There will be a person you love that will take advantage of you.  You will know if that happens.  Don't let the love you have for them blind you.  There is no happiness being in a one-side relationship. If they are not "in" the relationship with you, stop, move forward.

Keep you heart open, keep looking.....

Every "Ellie deserves Carl."  Every "Carl deserves Ellie." (Have you seen the movie UP?)

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