Tuesday, May 31, 2011


i like fluffy......

fluffy pillows, fluffy clouds, fluffy blankets, fluffy cotton balls.
there are things that are meant to be fluffy.

there are things that should never be fluffy...

your body.  if you have a "fluffy" body it is a nice way to say you are fat!
your hair. if you have "fluffy" hair it is a nice way of saying that your hair is a dry, fly away mess!

Friday, May 20, 2011


i am not a perfect girl.  my hair doesn't always look good & I misplace things,a lot.  i spill things & sometimes i have a broken heart. i sometimes fight. maybe some days nothing goes right.  but when i think about it & take a step back i remember how amazing life truly is & that maybe, just maybe i like being unperfect.........author unknown

Monday, May 2, 2011

Then and now

I found this on my bathroom mirror when I got up one morning:) All I have to say to is Back at You!!!! ................Loved you then (1978), Love you now (2011), Always have, Always will.
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