Monday, November 15, 2010

Just another manic monday......

Why so Mondays always seem to be "manic Mondays" when children are involved?  Is is because the little darlings have been home all weekend with their parents?  When they come back to me on Mondays it takes half the day just to get them "back." Do their parents feel so bad about not spending time with them that they let them run the show all weekend?  Did parents forget to be parents?  Do parents not know the difference between quality and quanity time? It really doesn't matter to a child how much time you spend with them.  What matters is that you spend time with THEM.  Sitting in the same room texting on your phone while they run wild and climb the walls like a bunch of Monkeys jacked up on Mt.  Watching tv while they are rolling around on the floor like a Dog with a bad Yelling because you were on the phone while the children drew a colorful mural on the living room  Maybe parents should grab a book and snuggle up with their child.  Get out the crayons (the ones that are way up high on that shelf) and get creative.  There are so many ways to spend an afternoon with a child................

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