Sunday, November 21, 2010

I miss

I miss............

my Mom and Dad.  I can't put into words how very much I miss them. What they meant to me.  I have so many memories that I carry.

my dogs, Roxie and Andre. Roxie ( the most wonderful boxer that ever lived! ) had a uncanny ability to know if I was feeling blue and knew how to cheer me up or just sit with me and comfort me.  Andre was a little shit with the spirit of a lion. He taught me that it didn't matter how small (he was a 4.2 lb Yorkie)  you are or thought you were, that you can do anything you put your mind to.

looking a old photo albums with Granny Wilma. I loved they stories of her growing up. The way she could remember "the old days", but because of her illness she couldn't tell you what she had for lunch that day.

washing dishes with Wanda after a holiday dinner.  Wanda would wash, I would dry and Wilma would put the dishes away.  We worked together like a well oiled machine.

my horse Tavern, the only living creature on the face of the earth that would listen to me sing!

These things I miss are now memories that live in a safe place, in my heart and mind. 

There are other things that I miss.  There is no reason to be missing them.  I will breathe life back into them and enjoy them.  Someday they will be memories too.

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