Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am thankful that I only have to provide "the goodies" (you know the pies, whipped topping etc) and the home for the stuffing of the faces to take place in.

Really I am thankful that

I go to bed with the same man for 32 years and feel safe.

I have healthy, happy (for the most part) 3 grown children and 5 awesome grandchildren, that always make me smile.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve...................Thankful

I am thankful for the good people in my life.  They know who they are, no reason to name them. I like to keep them close to me and in my heart, they have helped build me into who I am today.
I am thankful for the people in my life that try to hurt me (not in a physical way), they know who they are too.    I stay away from them.  They may try to "get to me" without being in contact with me.  But they are going to fail, they make me stronger.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I miss

I miss............

my Mom and Dad.  I can't put into words how very much I miss them. What they meant to me.  I have so many memories that I carry.

my dogs, Roxie and Andre. Roxie ( the most wonderful boxer that ever lived! ) had a uncanny ability to know if I was feeling blue and knew how to cheer me up or just sit with me and comfort me.  Andre was a little shit with the spirit of a lion. He taught me that it didn't matter how small (he was a 4.2 lb Yorkie)  you are or thought you were, that you can do anything you put your mind to.

looking a old photo albums with Granny Wilma. I loved they stories of her growing up. The way she could remember "the old days", but because of her illness she couldn't tell you what she had for lunch that day.

washing dishes with Wanda after a holiday dinner.  Wanda would wash, I would dry and Wilma would put the dishes away.  We worked together like a well oiled machine.

my horse Tavern, the only living creature on the face of the earth that would listen to me sing!

These things I miss are now memories that live in a safe place, in my heart and mind. 

There are other things that I miss.  There is no reason to be missing them.  I will breathe life back into them and enjoy them.  Someday they will be memories too.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Other Blogs......

I have been reading other people blogs.  It seems like there are quite a few people out there that are giving advise away!  Advise on HOW TO: live your life (oops, I did one of those, sorry it will NOT happen again!), treat other people, pay it forward, listen, and the list goes on and on.  Do these blogs really help anyone that reads them???? Or are they only helping the writer?  Giving the writer a sense of "Wow, I am good!"  "Look what a good person I am!"  "People like what I say"  "People need me to help them", "Live their life for them" "I AM important"  "People need me to tell them what to do"   Puke!!!!  Get a life. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Words that my Mother used.......

There was a time when I was small that my Mother did not cuss around her children.  She made up her own cuss words.....

"She thinks that she is so mucking fuch!"  = Fucking much
"Why do you do everything so bass ackwards?"  = Ass backwards
"Go back off in your on jackyard!" = Jack off in your own backyard (???not sure about that one??)
"Piss on the Peas." (again??)
"That's one Mell of a hess."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hold on

Hold on to Gods Hand.  What a powerful message.  Hold on to it with all your might.  Don't let go of it or your faith. Hang is a bumpy ride. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ok!!!!! Who did it???????   Did one of those little snot nosed...I mean little darlins' that I spend 10 hours of my day with give me this uck that I feel tonight????  Or was it the man I sleep with every night????

Monday, November 15, 2010

Just another manic monday......

Why so Mondays always seem to be "manic Mondays" when children are involved?  Is is because the little darlings have been home all weekend with their parents?  When they come back to me on Mondays it takes half the day just to get them "back." Do their parents feel so bad about not spending time with them that they let them run the show all weekend?  Did parents forget to be parents?  Do parents not know the difference between quality and quanity time? It really doesn't matter to a child how much time you spend with them.  What matters is that you spend time with THEM.  Sitting in the same room texting on your phone while they run wild and climb the walls like a bunch of Monkeys jacked up on Mt.  Watching tv while they are rolling around on the floor like a Dog with a bad Yelling because you were on the phone while the children drew a colorful mural on the living room  Maybe parents should grab a book and snuggle up with their child.  Get out the crayons (the ones that are way up high on that shelf) and get creative.  There are so many ways to spend an afternoon with a child................

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Worn out

I feel worn out.  Physically and emotionally.  I don't know why.  I know that I am hoping that I made the right choice yesterday.  I think that my heart and my head are have a knock down drag out fight about that choice.  I hope that one wins soon.