Friday, December 30, 2016


Lessons Life has taught Me over the past Year(s)

Don't give up
Stay strong
Love with your entire heart (unconditionally)
Actions speak louder than words
Listen to your heart, soul and mind (in that order)
Don't shut down on people you love
Be forgiven
Be open
Words spoken in anger hurt
Be honest, the truth is always better
Be faithful
Kindness matters
Good people can do bad things
Pain helps you grow (even though it sucks)
It's never too late
Nothing is set in stone
It's alright to cry (alone or with someone)
Hearts can be broken (a patch will grow and slowing mend your heart)
Scars are beautiful
 Love yourself
Believe in miracles
Little things are important
There is such a thing as true soul mates
 Time doesn't make ALL things better (just a bit softer)
There are things you never get over (they become a part of you)
Smile everyday (even if that's the last thing you want to do)
Wave "Hi" more
You can never care too much
Go outside everyday
Spend time alone
Laugh so hard you snort or cry
All good things don't have to end
All people are not nice (there are some real assholes out there)
Text less, talk more
Hug someone everyday (even it is your dog or cat)
Take care of your body (it's the only one you will ever have)
Always wear mascara and lip color
It's alright to say "No"
Pay it forward
I am perfectly imperfect
Keep good memories, let go of the bad ones
Don't be an ostrich
Accept your flaws (they make you human)
Don't change for another person (if you change, do it for yourself)
Sit in silence (you will be amazed at what you hear)
Deep breaths help
Keep learning
Life is precious
Money doesn't buy happiness (it buys stuff, you can look good while being sad)
There are no guarantees in life
Say "I love you" (show it with actions, that's even better!)
Everyone has baggage they need to let go of
My Story isn't over (starting a new chapter)